Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The Blue Jay and the Tuxedo Cat

A blue jay and a tuxedo cat outside the big picture window.

I thought, “My, what an excellent subject for a poem or a short story,
one that ends with the cat licking its lips, feathers fluttering
on wisps of empty air,
slowly floating
floating slowly.”

As it happened, the blue jay was perched on a high branch, oblivious.
he cat, warm and fuzzy, ambled along, half cartoon, half pet.

I knew that the cat was a wild creature,
wild in spirit, wild at heart,
hunting for its supper,
painted in a tuxedo disguise.

I yearned for the cat to survive,
on a diet of cartoon birds,
not the gorgeous jay
blue as blue,
preening itself on a high branch.

The cat would live,
for a while,
on small rodents
and unlucky birds
that came too close.

The blue jay and the tuxedo, framed eternally
in the wide picture window
opposite corners of a verdant painting.

*****************copyright Ethan Goffman

Thinking of Spring in the Fall

the seasons melt
heat wave, cold snap

somehow the trees know to
leave leaf litter, solemn sacrifice
for future plants, future planet

it’s all tied to the circular motions
of our Earth
dancing on an invisible axis
tenacious on its annual trip
led by god’s unerring hand
the unwavering laws of physics

the seasons are subtly different
change creeps forward
the trees maintain their rhythms
more or less

brilliant oranges and purples
roughly on schedule

in spring adolescents break out
yearning for love
to leave their own gift to the
cursed future

the command “be fruitful and multiply”
is ages past
its expiration date

my spring long past
i ponder when to rake up
the annual sacrifice
prepare the lawn for
another next year

my spring is long past
my leaves long shed
i’m barren and in fall now
having left no gift to the future
no new mouths to suck
energy from our tired
mother earth

still i remember, yearn a little
each day as the planet spins

***********************copyright Ethan Goffman

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